Animal rights groups deplore the use of elephants for tourist rides, but carefully regulated tourism may be the only way to save them. There are already just as many, if not more captive Asian elephants than wild ones and it has been understood for a long time that there isn’t enough habitat to return the captive ones to the wild – in fact there is barely enough of their shrinking habitats to maintain the existing wild ones. Even then, they’re hardly any safer. Perhaps regulating ridden elephant tourism such as limiting the hours of work, the kilograms they can carry, improving saddle design, making their training more humane and making their management and husbandry as close to their natural ways as possible is the best solution. This has already begun to happen in Thailand. Our aim is to keep going to Asia and continue to improve the training, handling and management of these incredible animals. A world without elephants, tigers and rhinos would be an empty one and there’s no going back. Please help if you can. Our thanks to all our donors who made this project possible.